
Indian Girls Having First-time Sex with Full Pleasure

Indian girl enjoying her first-time sex. The most beautiful land with hottest and sexiest women with lusty desire, we will take a look how she had sex for the first time. What were her feelings during having fucked? This fucking story is based on an Indian sexy lady's true story.

Indian Girls Having First-time Sex with Full Pleasure
Land of good helpful people and of course beautiful..women. the most pleasant memory is of seeing her in school at that time. Yes, Niharika( name changed). One year junior to me but she was what we call a totally independent and confident girl and gutsy of course. Before moving forward I would like to add that in high school I was very shy types.

Had never got drunk or smoked up. So when I saw her, I got attracted at the very first moment but didn't have the guts to approach her. Periods proceed and after school closing time I saw her.. Yes.. There she was surrounded by boys from most classes. She was an easy going girl to talk with. I do my usual self-continued home.

Thinking simultaneously about my further day routine and niharika. For the whole day, I had tuitions. Well, what all can a 12th standard guy have? During the evening I saw her in my locality and was actually delighted to see her. It was like getting something for which I have been waiting for ages. Just a sight of her made my day. The monotonous routine turned pleasurable.

Enjoyable.. Fun whatever said. Slowly slowly I was adjusting to the fast-paced life of Mumbai. One day the cupid cards played the luck game and I got to interact with her. First time I saw her closely. Her hair slightly curly... Eyes.. Black and deep. Skin dusky.. Height around 5'4". She had an aura around her and I enjoyed stealing glances.

And while doing that the words that came from her surprised me. Why are you always trying to check me out?? I was caught out of the blue. I couldn't reply to her. In fact, I didn't knew. How to project me as a decent guy. And before I could have noticed things around me. She laughed and went away.

I was In deep thoughts.. And she met me again. I remember that meeting for ever. She told me never stare a girl cos they get to know and second was that she hadn't come across a guy like me.. Who is always into himself. With later conversations with her, I realized that being too much into myself people considered me as an attitude guy.

But nevertheless, the only thing I have never changed in myself to date is that I can't go and approach a girl. Now say it as fate or my thought process. I have never been able to approach a girl. Looks wise what I was in 2009 and what I'm now.. Are very different. I will only say I keep my appearance smart.

Things proceeded with normal hi.. Hello, and staying in the same locality made it easier to meet. Time passed we became good friends.. Actually wait. I basically don't remember when we were past the friendship base. We weren't exactly a couple but new everything about one another. We became close.

I was enjoying all this.. Having a girl to talk with.. Especially a girl who adores you.. Cares for you. I held her hand for the first time when she was worried about her mother. Her mom had got her hand fractured. I wanted to console her. We as humans react to a situation in different ways at that time I did things exactly to her.. What I saw in movies. I held her hand.

Squeezed it a little and hugged her. She knew what I'm doing And somehow didn't mind. Time was passing my boards were nearing and do were her school exams. We decided to meet after the farewell party. She was looking damn cute and I was enjoying staring at her. She gave me two. Three serious glances but I think later she decided to ignore.

After the farewell party.. I met her at her homes terrace. She was slightly drunk.. She hugged me the moment she met me and kept hugging me. She thanked me for all lovely times. I realized it because I might be going from Mumbai to some other places. So I told her that we will meet.. Keep in touch through orkut.. Facebook. For the first time, I realized that I'm important to her.

She still clasped me.. Unwilling to go. I was feeling awesome at that time. I had never thought a girl would be so much into me. We hugged each other and I gave her small pecks on her cheeks. I did that again and again. And I slowly inserted my hand at the back of her dress. Though I had seen lots of porn but I was still new in practical version.

I rubbed her back and felt her bra straps. We looked at each other and kissed. Our lips locked. The first kiss of my life. I don't know how long we sucked each other. But it was like a different feeling.. The exchange of saliva.. The lipstick taste and the ever on the feeling of going like that.

But the truth is that oxygen also plays an important role and we disengaged only to start it again. It was awesome... I can't forget that very first kiss. It was not like in movies but for me, I enjoyed it and remember it always... Before we could move further her phone buzzed and it was her mother. She had to go but before going... We again kissed.. Smooched.. Sucked.. 

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